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Our Events
- Thu, Dec 15New Cairo 1Join the celebration of the Nitrous Mega Competition winners! Hear their ideas and how they will support the community.
- Tue, Nov 15First New Cairoهل تريد إطلاق شركة اجتماعية ولكنك لا تعلم من أين تبدأ؟ هل تقدم حلاً لتمكين المجتمع ولكنك لا تعرف كيفية تحويله إلى شركة اجتماعية ناشئة؟ اذاً شارك معانا في المسابقة لبدء مغامرتك الريادية!
- Sun, May 08HybridLearn Design Thinking, develop your own assistive tool, and become part of our community in our National Hackathon 2022!
- Sun, May 08HybridWant to support and empower the members of our community while learning the methodologies we integrate into our process? Then join our National Hackathon!
- Wed, Feb 23New Cairo 1Join our community gathering and know more about our upcoming plans, activities, and meet our new community members!
- Tue, Feb 01Online, ZoomNitrous is turning 4 years old! Let's celebrate the success and get to know more about our plans for 2022. Register now!
- Mon, Dec 06ZoomDo you have a project or an idea that targets people with disabilities? Fill in the form and you could get a spot at the Startup Zone!
- Fri, Dec 03ZoomDo you have a project or an idea that targets people with disabilities? Fill in the form and you could get a spot at the Startup Zone!
- Mon, Nov 01First New CairoDo you have a product idea? Is the product solving our community issues? Then register now and get the chance to win and launching your start-up!
- Sun, Jun 20Hybridهذا حدث لمدة أسبوع واحد، يهدف إلى خلق بيئة تعليمية والتي تمكن الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة (أو متحدي الإعاقة) من عمل أدوات مساعدة خاصة بهم، بمساعدة المتطوعين. كعضو في مجت Nitrous is hosting it's first National Hackathon in Egypt! Do you have a disability? Then join now and become part of Nitrous community.
- Sun, Jun 20Hybrid EventNitrous is hosting it's first National Hackathon in Egypt! Do you want to volunteer as a technician? Then join now and become part of Nitrous community.
- Mon, Feb 01Online EventJoin us in the celebration of Project Nitrous 3rd Anniversary! Share you experience and suggestions and know our future plans.
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